Tag: movie tattoo

Lego tattoo ideasLego tattoo ideas

Do you like it ?Everyone in the world knows these popular blocks! Lego tattoo ideas are fun, original and suitable for Lego fans. Lego is simply a line of plastic construction toys. The Lego Group manufactures them. It’s a privately

Tomb Raider inkTomb Raider ink

Do you like it ?Surely you are familiar with Lare Croft and the Tomb Raider series. If you’re a big fan it’s worth the effort to get Tomb Raider ink. Tomb Raider is a series of computer games, comic books,

LOTR tattoo ideasLOTR tattoo ideas

Do you like it ?A Lord of the Rings tattoo symbolizes more than just fanboy adoration. LOTR tattoo ideas are often a symbol of a deep rooted friendship. Lord Of The Rings was one of those movies that left a

Joker tattooJoker tattoo

Do you like it ?Joker tattoo can be just as intriguing as this comic and movie character. Joker tattoos are usually bright, bold and controversial. CHARACTER This tattoo is gaining new popularity since the release of the movie starring Joaquin

Leshy tattooLeshy tattoo

Do you like it ?Leshy is a character from the Wiedzmin universe and a figure from Slavic legends. Tattoo with Leshy has elements of fantasy and horror. It is very interesting and eye-catching. CHARACTER People call Leshy also as leshen