Month: August 2022

Juicy watermelon inkJuicy watermelon ink

Do you like it ?Juicy watermelon ink can be a memory of hot summer days. Watermelon tattoos are really energetic, cheerful and have a lot of charm. The watermelon plant species belong to the Cucurbitaceae family. Watermelon is one of

Sunrise or sunset?Sunrise or sunset?

Do you like it ?Sunrises and sunsets are fascinating to watch. Moreover it’s a great inspiration for creating art. So what do you prefer, sunrise or sunset? The sun is one of the prime reasons for life on earth and

Balloon tattoosBalloon tattoos

Do you like it ?Balloon tattoos are not often seen. However, it is an interesting option. Very colorful, optimistic and like from cartoons or fairy tales. A balloon is a flexible bag that which fills with a gas, such as

LOTR tattoo ideasLOTR tattoo ideas

Do you like it ?A Lord of the Rings tattoo symbolizes more than just fanboy adoration. LOTR tattoo ideas are often a symbol of a deep rooted friendship. Lord Of The Rings was one of those movies that left a