Science is fascinating and teaches us so much about the world. There are many different science tattoo designs that science lovers can get.
Science, as defined, is an intellectual and practical activity. It involves the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
In the world of science, there are so many fascinating topics to explore. From physics and biology to geology and more. It is not surprising that so many people are fans of science because the area of science extends so far. As a result, many people have now a science tattoo.
If you like watercolor, structure, cool and nerd tattoos, some science print will suit you. You can also decorate it with a molecular print and make it even more realistic looking.
Indeed, there are many objects from the field of science that you can tattoo on your skin. It all depends on what branches of science you are interested in. Some examples of ideas for science tattoo design:
- Biology- The DNA molecule, microscope, anatomical heart tattoo, drawing of neuron;
- Chemistry-geometric pentagons illustrating elements creating unique substances, like dopamine or serotonin formula; atomic structure;
- Astronomy- the solar system, constellations and stars, nebulous cloud;
- Scientist portraits tattoo- Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Marie Curie, Neil deGrasse Tyson and Stephen Hawking.
In this type of tattoo you can of course combine several elements that you are interested in. Thanks to this, the artwork will undoubtedly become interesting and original.
For more info about Science tattoo klick here and here or here.
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