With a wide world of symbolism to draw from when designing your own tattoo. There’s no reason to settle for the first design you come up with. Exploring nature is a great way to find beauty for decorating your body with, and even the humble dandelion that sprouts in unlikely places can brighten your day by becoming the inspiration for your new tattoo. Learn to appreciate this sunny little flower from a new perspective by exploring its symbolism as a tattoo.
Most dandelion tattoos are relatively simple. People commissioning them want to focus on the spiritual symbolism of the flower. However, it’s also common to see a dandelion and bird tattoo where the floating seeds that blow away from the puffball transform into birds who soar away. This is a beautiful and popular design for girls. They can enjoy the symbol of rising above the past and reaching new heights of glory. In general, dandelion tattoo designers are separated into two categories. Whether the tattoo shows a fresh and yellow blooming flower or the iconic seed-covered puffball head that people blow.
Most people who are focused on bringing happiness and joy into their lives choose a yellow dandelion flower. While a blowing dandelion full of seeds tends to fall into the wish-making and innocence categories of meaning instead. For people who wish to start over in life and move away from their past mistakes, it’s common to tattoo the quote “Every breath is a second chance” along with the dandelion seed and plant. This reminds the wearer that they can always choose to make a better decision in the present. Rather than lapsing back into former bad behaviors.*

If you want more klick Rose tattoo and Floral Tattoo and Flower tattoo to see more inspirations!