If you’ve ever heard of Buddhism, you’ve definitely seen the symbol. Mandala – wheel of life, harmony and perfection. The mandala is composed of shapes and symbols that diverge from the inside outwards, arranging in a circular pattern. By combining symbolism associated with circles and plants, the mandala can represent femininity and emerging life.
When thinking about the place where you intend to make a mandala tattoo, it is best to choose a large surface of the skin. Place of skin that does not wrinkle and does not distort the overall shape of the mandala.
Tattoo owners with the mandala symbol remain in traditional black, but they can also come in a variety of colors. The meaning of such a tattoo largely depends on the color placed in the center of the tattoo, it shows what is important for a person in life.
- Yellow – cheerfulness, joy, contentment
- Orange – courage, strength, youth, warmth
- Red – love, faith, perseverance
- Pink – sensitivity, femininity, tenderness
- Blue – peace, confidence, loyalty
- Maritime – friendship, ingenuity, humor
- Green – hope, endurance, health
- Black – honor, pride, dignity
- White – purity, innocence, perfection
Pretty theory. If you want to learn more about the mandala symbol, I refer you to other sources. Now it’s time for examples of mandala arm tattoo.

Don’t they look like works of art? Mandala can be combined in different ways with other symbols. As you can see the size does not matter, this symbol can be placed anywhere on the body. The mandala arm tattoo undoubtedly looks amazing. It doesn’t have to be big, although it certainly makes an impression when I’m on my back, for example.
Also look here if you want to see more tattoos that look like works of art.