The most common meaning for a black rose tattoo is grief and deat. Since black is a color associated with death. People often get this tattoo in memory of someone who has passed away. In the West, black is the color associated with grief. However, in the East, the color associated with grief is white.
Another thing the black rose tattoo can indicate is rebellion and strength. Irish warriors used black roses as a symbol of rebellion against the British. In the 16th century there was even a song called “The Little Black Rose”. Which was a devotion song to the strength that the Irish had during their battles.
Lastly, black tattoos can mean hope and courage. Sailors would often get black rose tattoos before leaving home. If they weren’t certain that they would return, as a way to symbolize doing something courageous and as a sign of hope that they would.
A black rose means what you want it to mean.
In other words, the black rose tattoo does not have to be a sinister symbol. The rising popularity probably has a lot to do with the many differing meanings that are attached to the image. Tattoos, at the end of the day, are unique to the person (and hey, it’s totally okay if a black rose just looks cool to you). The most important part of the process of getting inked is for you to research tattoo artists and find a portfolio that fits your style. But if it’s a black rose you’re going for, you’ve now got a few insider tips to consider before taking the permanent plunge.*

Black rose tattoo designs look amazingly beautiful. People get them etched for several reasons, from hope to melancholy, or to show off the dark side. If you believe you also have some solid reason for a black rose tattoo, then look If you want more klick Rose tattoo and Rose arm tattoo and Rib Floral Tattoo to see more inspirations!