Chinese tattoos are trendy for people all over the world. The same as culture, there is a diversity in the tattoo from this country.
When you think about Chinese tattoo, you immediately mention about calligraphy. Chinese Calligraphy is considered as one of the highest forms of Chinese art, and this form of tattoos can have any word, character or any form text in calligraphy form. You can choose any style and any colours to make it look beautiful, balanced, playful and unique.
The Koi fish is a traditional animal in China. Koi fish brings the meaning of braveness and ability to overcome hardships in life. This Chinese tattoo can give you the courage to go through many things in life.
Dragon is the symbol in China, which represent strength and power. Dragons generally stand for courage, strength and independence. Dragon tattoos are generally available in a large number of variations. You can either choose a classic black silhouette or make it vibrant with colors. The dragon tattoo will be perfect if you can combine it with sky elements to boost the strength of it.
Can’t mention China without flower. Flower can be presented as pink or violet color and it is perfect for women. You can even accompany these flower tattoos with meaningful Chinese words which would add more depth to this tattoo, and it will look beautiful and attractive.

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