Evil eye tattoo is a new addition that allows evil eyes to be inked on the individual’s body instead of an amulet. This is some of the easily and the most recognizable one.
People across the world know the evil eye and moreover it is an integral part of many cultures. Some of them consider it to be a good omen, while for others, it attracts evil spirits. The eye symbol is used for warding off evil and has been practiced for centuries. Those who have a strong belief in the superstitious, magical world, know about the evil eye and take it very seriously.
People believed or still believe in the power of evil gaze. It is usually in Persia, Hawaii, West Asia, Latin America, certain parts of Africa and Europe. You had to defend yourself against a possible charm. So people wore talismans with the image of an eye with them and painted them on the walls to absorb bad energy.
In short an evil eye symbolizes and stands for your protection from bad luck. Nothing bad should happen to your or in your home. This amulet comes in blue and white. It indicates spiritual protection. Evil eye is a kind of glass, light blue or dark blue round glass, with a little white in the middle and a little black on it. Of course, there are also many changes, such as inlaid in different shapes od shell or made into water drop shape.
It is a popular jewelry piece in Turkey. People usually wear evil eye talisman in the form of a pendant, rings, etc. People all over the world appreciate it and believe that it can help with bad luck, curse, hex, as well as black dark magic.
Obviously there are many designs for evil eye tattoos that tattoo artists can create. In all these designs the eye is an integral part which you cannot miss. In most cultures, you can choose the best designs to perform on your body according to your religious beliefs. Evil eye tattoo serves the dual purpose of enhancing the appearance and warding off evil.
The protective tattoo you can best applied on a secluded part of the body, for example on the neck and lower back foot, or in the area behind the ear, on the inner side of the thigh, shoulder or wrist.

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